1492 DORA

DATE: 2021-10-11
AO: Patriot
Q: Bone
PAX: Pop Fly, 2 percent, CableGuy, Lazlo, Big Short, Shake and Bake FNGs: None
WARMUP: The usual – except without Rockettes
ROUND 1: 1492
1x Hand Release Burpee
4x Bonnie Blair’s (every other leg)
9x Sit-ups
2x big jumps forward
Repeat to the 50 yard line
Active Recovery – each PAX called 15 calf raises
ROUND 2: DORA (50yd line & back)
100x Merkins
200x Squats
300x LBCs
ROUND 3: DORA (side line to side line)
50x Dips
100x Step Ups
150x Freddie Mercurys

MARY: flutter kicks, toy soldiers, and something else.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Grunt, cornhole, and and upcoming 2dF event COT: Be Excellent to Each Other

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