freestate Poker & Frisbee ahead of Father’s Day

Date: 2024-06-11
AO: freestate
Q: Horshack
PAX: Bluto, Dungeon Master, Deagle, Pigeon, John Kluge, Mumford, CashOnly FNGs: None
Warm Up
– SSH x 25 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 17 IC
– Shoulder Taps x 15 IC
– Mountain Climbers x 12 IC
– 2 laps Karaoke
– High Knees x 30 IC
– Monkey Humpers x 13 IC
– LONG COUNT Willie Mays Hayes x 8 IC
– Michael Phelps x 10 IC
– Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
The Thang:
– 52 Card Pick up: Rotate PAX selecting a card from one of four suits and q’ing the exercise for 15 minutes: – Cardio (Hearts)
– Upper Body (Diamonds)
– Legs (Spades)
– Core (Clubs)
– Ultimate: Go to field and split PAX into two teams (give one team a uniform; if there is an odd number of PAX, designate one as permanent offense) – Play for 15 minutes
– Team who scores 2 burpees; team who gets scored upon 5 burpees – Team who scores goes on defense and throws to the opposite team

– Leg Lift Rosalitas x 15 IC
– Box Cutters x 10 each direction IC
– Plank-o-rama x 10-10-10-10-10 IC
– Freddie Mercuries x 15 IC
– Rodeo Flutters 10 Clockwise Outlaws -10 Flutter (short and fast) -10 CCW Outlaws -10 Flutters (long and slow)

– To adopt or not to adopt this summer? The PAX have spoken – no Adopt A Road this summer. Pick up again in September. – Thirsty F3rd – June 20th – Irish Inn at Glen Echo

– Father’s Day coming up. Give yourself the biggest Father’s Day gift imaginable and tell your kids how much you love them. My dad passed away 10 years ago last week. I read a portion of a letter he wrote me when I was going off the rails at age 15. He closed the letter letting me know that no matter what happened, he would love me all the more.

Tags: freestate, Bluto, Dungeon Master, Deagle, Pigeon, John Kluge, Mumford, CashOnly

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